Open The Gates to your Mind, Body and Soul


A Wellness picnic hosted by Master life coach – Yvette Ratshikhopha and founder of LD coaching ; wellness coach and nutritionist  – Buhle Maluleke; took place on the 27th October in Brooklyn, Pretoria.

Photo by Yvette and Buhle

The wellness picnic /workshop was an opportunity for guests to learn how to align their mind,  bodies and soul in creating the best version of themselves. BODY- through yoga and nutrition focusing on what foods to eat to improve energy levels, focus and what it means to have a healthy lifestyle, Mind- guests learnt goal setting strategies that they can use to achieve anything they want; whether its fitness or career focused.

Lishe caught up with Master Life Coach , Yvette Ratshikhopha to find out more. See Interview below.

  1. What was the concept around creating this workshop?

We wanted to give Women a chance to break away from all the drama, whether they are a mom, a student or an entrepreneur we wanted to give them a chance to just take care of their mind body soul and accelerate their journey to wellness. So often we women are so busy holding the forte together for everyone else that we forget to take care of ourselves and our health. You can’t give to others what you do not have so this workshop is about getting yourself to wellness emotionally, physically, and in whatever else you feel will get you to wellness and giving our guests the tools to create wellness for themselves consistently. My Partner in the event Buhle is also a life coach and nutritionist and we found that being outdoors away from the rush of life was a way we would connect with ourselves so we wanted to create an experience that would give people the same peace whilst they got equipped to change their lives in a practical way.

  1. Why do you think is the significance in the focus of mind, body and soul and how that speak to alignment in its true essence?

I call them the trinity, when either one is out of balance, it affects the other. So for example when you do not take care of your body through exercising you miss out on healthy hormones like endorphins which help you stay energized and keep your mind in a good space. If you do not take care of your soul, all the functions of your mind and body feel futile, you will be like a car just driving without direction or true fulfillment. So an alignment within your mind body and soul is important for you to feel like a whole being.

  1. Do you think many us comprehend our dimensional existence, enough to really affect our well-being?

I do not think people understand this, I think there is a rise in consciousness, and people are starting to see that they are whole beings but even those that discover this do not know where to start. That’s why these types of events that help us understand ourselves better and help get us where we want to be are important.

  1. Beyond Nutrition being about eating the right things, do you think it’s important for us to consider how food fuels us?

Definitely, we will be touching on many aspects of nutrition beyond the obvious, especially for us as women, there is so much stuff that we consume that affects our bodies and emotions and we do not even know. I don’t want to give too much away but your body is like a car, nutrition is the fuel but the price you pay for not taking care of it is heftier than that of a car not moving.  Your body is the vehicle that you use to fulfill your purpose, you need to take care of it so it can serve you and not be a hindrance towards you living the life you deserve.

  1. What is your wellness philosophy and what does wellness look like to you?

Anything that you do not put energy into dies, if you do not put energy into your body it will show, same with your mind and feeding your soul, we all have the power to own each of these elements.

Wellness to me looks like meditation, reading for an hour in the bath tub before bed, solo hikes every now and then, doing yoga for free with my amazing teachers on YouTube, adding more color to my meals, wellness looks like me getting up every day with a body and mind that is in a good space so that I can fulfill my purpose. Wellness is in the details and the reason I even bother is because I know I need to be my best in order to reach my goals and reaching my goals will leave me fulfilled.

  1. What do you hope those attending this event will take away?

Wow, I hope they will take away a whole lot of self-love cause that is the root of  any consistency in something that is good for you, I hope that they look at Wellness differently and don’t see nutrition as a chore but as something that serves their higher purpose. I certainly hope that they simply take away how fun and easy it is to plan your life and achieve your goals, and that with the right strategies anything is possible.
