The Avocado Show – A great production


Set in the trendy neighborhood of Daniel Stapelstraat branded by eclectic shops with trendy cafes and restaurants; an area easily accessible by both car and public transportation (from using the tram or the train station) which is a pleasure for a new explorer in any city, but especially Amsterdam…

But I digress…this is where you’ll find the Avocado Show – every bit the show with an intimate setting that would remind you of being at a matinee…giving you a feeling of a sexy secret that you want to keep all to yourself, a charming greeting at the entrance and of course a magical menu that will excite you with an array of avocado centered dishes.

Photos by Phoebe Mushwana

The Avocado show is every bit a theatrical production that will leave you with Uhhhhs and ahhhhs! For all those foodies out there the Avocado Show will amaze and meet every bit of your heart’s content – The mastery of the how the dishes are created is truly incredible and unique.

It has to be at the top of your list when you think of visiting Amsterdam…It will remain on mine for a very long time.

See below our inteview with the Avocado Show:

  1. What do you think makes the Avocado show restaurant stand out and for those who don’t know – how was the restaurant created?

 I think The Avocado Show stands out because of its original concept of creating pretty healthy food with avocados, and also because of the great execution of the idea. The dishes are styled and plated with great colors, shapes and contrasts to compliment the great taste and really blow your mind.

We created the idea based on our own love for avocados and the success of mono

restaurants. It gives you the best spot to eat something and we love that idea.

  1. What do you think makes the avocado such a great ingredient to work with and create dishes around?

The avocado is super nutritious, but also very versatile. Making it possible for us to

create hundreds of original recipes that are healthy, hot, cold, comforting, sweet,

savory and much more.

  1. Talk to us about the process around creating the menu for the Avocado Show and what is Chef Jaimie van Heije’s food philosophy? 

We create food with Jaimie van Heije as well as with other members of our development team based on a few simple ideas.

Every dish revolves around the avocado as its hero and should be stunning. 50% avocado and 50% show. We often ask ourselves how do we avocado a classic dish like sushi, pizza or tacos? And on other days we create entirely new shapes and dishes that are inspired by this superfruit and its color.

  1. What are some of the favorite dishes that customer keep coming back for?

Our avo bun burger, the avo poke bowl, the avo pancakes and our awesome variety of toasts and eggs.

  1. For someone thinking of visiting this amazing restaurant for the first time– what can they expect?

A small but sweet restaurant with just 45 seats where avocado lovers create amazing dishes for fans to enjoy in a cool atmosphere. There will probably be a short line, but it’s worth it!

  1. Where can people around the world, planning to visit Amsterdam go to find out more about the Avocado Show?

Check out our instagram @theavocadoshow, our facebook page or go straight to our website

