From a Farm Girl to a Fitness Visionary


Lishe caught up with The Fit Farm Girl , and creator of  – Camella Sanders.

  1. Give us a little background information about yourself and about the creation of

My name is Camella Sanders, I am 28 years old. I am on online coach and had trained for many years from home due to living in a rural area on a game farm. I enjoyed using resistance bands for workouts but would get frustrated when they snapped or pinched my skin. I started looking for alternatives and stumbled upon a supplier of material resistance bands, I thought it was a brilliant idea as they were not available in South Africa. After many samples and tweaking of the product and my logo I finally launched my first batch of stock at the Fitness Magazine Fit Affair on the 5th May 2018. The bands were a hit and were sold out in less than a month! I was shocked how well we had done. I decided I needed an online store to streamline the order process and came up with the ‘By Fit Farm Girl’ as my intention was (and is) to continue bringing new and innovative products to the South African market. I designed and created the website myself from scratch! I have ambassadors and representatives working with me to get content out on social media (we started on IG and literally all the marketing was done through our account) and I love sharing the posts and videos we get tagged in to bring all these people into the Fit Bands family. We have since brought out the THRUST by FFG – barbell protector pad and Fit Straps – lifting straps. We have a few more exciting products in development which are coming soon.

  1. Do you think working out using a resistance band is a good starting point for those starting their fitness or exercise journey?

I think resistance band training is great for beginners to advanced fitness levels, its all in the application of the band! Resistance bands can be used solely or alongside other equipment to get the most out of any workout. We also have a medium resistance band (the lightest in the range) which is great for rehab exercises.

  1. What is it about resistance bands that make them so versatile in the sense that they assist in not only rehabilitation, but also strength development, injury prevention, and performance enhancement?

Resistance bands are versatile because depending on how they are used, they can work virtually every part of your body plus they’re compact so you can take your workouts with you wherever you go.

  1. What has proven to be the most effective resistance band workout for your client base?

Fit Bands are resistance bands which are targeted towards leg training due to the resistance and design. The main function of the bands is to activate (or wake up) the glutes on exercises everyone is already familiar with, but perhaps not feeling it correctly due to the fact most of us sit for long periods of time and our glutes become weak and lazy. My client base and customers use the bands a lot by themselves for things like abductors, lunges, kick-backs and glute bridges. They are also great for squats and on the leg press machine or with weighted hip thrusts. Users tend to favour a positioning of the band just above the knee (or slightly higher) but they can also be used just under the bum, just below the knees or with some strategic upper body exercises too.

  1. Can resistance bands be incorporate into various other workouts, such weight lifting?

Yes absolutely!

  1. How has the use of resistance band changed your view of fitness?

I never knew how ‘on fire’ your glutes could feel after squats with my Fit Bands. They que you to force your knees against the band and that opens the hips and engages the glutes.  I find my lower body days more fun and more challenging with my bands and I think many women and men agree!

  1. What does the future of look like and what can we expect?

By Fit Farm Girl is launching a completely new product very soon that I think is going to do incredibly well. We are also adding two more products to our range, existing in the market already but with our own farm girl spin. We have some new variations of bands too, another round of limited-edition Signature Series bands and many projects we are working on with other coaches, events and small businesses. This business is my baby and my customers are my reason for getting up each morning, I love (and am still getting used to) seeing my products not only in the hands of South African fitness enthusiasts but also in Prague and Dubai. We have an amazing support base and I am proud of our brand and what we stand for.

Can’t stop, won’t stop ?



