The beginning of 2018 was marked by a gall bladder removal operation that then saw months of recovery, which meant no strenuous activity and so exercise was completely out of the window for months. Finally when the doctor gave me the go ahead, I was able to slowly start building my strength through yoga, hiking and at home exercises…when I felt I was ready for more, I joined the gym and enlisted the help of a great trainer – Kagiso Maphosa – I’ve always believe that it’s important to set yourself goals – this could be as simple as getting healthier, or starting to exercise more for those of you with those New Year’s Resolutions or if you’re interested in leveling up – I wanted to gain strength, build muscle and be fit.
When Advendurance agreed to host Lishe at the last warrior race for the year in Soweto, my fitness goals became even more elevated. For a moment my operation, had me believing that I was weak and was down for the count – I guess life can do that to you at times…participating in the warrior race wasn’t just about being fit or strong, it was about proving to myself that l could do anything I set my mind to, that I had made it through one of the hardest times in 2017 and that maybe I had that warrior spirit too.
From instant that countdown begins, your mind starts racing and then you’re off…obstacle after obstacle, from climb over a tall wooden wall, to crawling under barbwire in the dust…falling and picking yourself up. This race no matter which one you choose (Rookie, Commando and Black Ops. ) – will challenge you and after going through mud, swimming through dirty water and getting to finish line. There is a brief moment you realize you did it!!! That you were not out of your mind and Oh what a great feeling it is to win for you…. and if you haven’t tried the Warrior race yet, maybe this is your year… Accept the Warrior race challenge…It’s worth it!